Mike Morgan Hyundai is located in Shreveport, LA. Our website is a great place to order Hyundai parts, and make a service appointment online, or call us today with questions! Our service technicians are here to help with all our your vehicle maintenance needs. Mike Morgan Hyundai is located in Shreveport, LA. Our website is a great place to order Hyundai parts, and make a service appointment online, or call us today with questions! Our service technicians are here to help with all our your vehicle maintenance needs.
I sincerely apologize about your recent service visit. I can assure you that this sort of service is not typical at Mike Morgan Hyundai. We are above average in our customer satisfaction ranking with Hyundai and should have reflected that when we serviced your car. I would hate to lose your business and do request that you will give us another chance. Thank you for your review and I hope we can make things better for you in the future.