Family owned and operated serving Saginaw for over 53 yrs.Beyer's Service Center is a full-service preventive maintenance and auto repairs center in the Saginaw, MI 48603 area, specializing in General Services, Car & Truck Care, Undercar Services, Alignment, Brakes, Engine & Transmission, Engine Maintenance, Transmission Services, 4x4 Family owned and operated serving Saginaw for over 53 yrs.Beyer's Service Center is a full-service preventive maintenance and auto repairs center in the Saginaw, MI 48603 area, specializing in General Services, Car & Truck Care, Undercar Services, Alignment, Brakes, Engine & Transmission, Engine Maintenance, Transmission Services, 4x4 Services, Heating and Cooling Services, Electrical Services, Electronic Services, Miscellaneous Services, Domestic Cars & Trucks and Import Cars & Trucks since 1961. Our experts have the knowledge to service and repair even the most challenging auto problems on all makes and models of domestic and import vehicles. We guarantee all of our work and know you'll be happy with the outcome. ...more
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