Red Mccombs Hyundai Northwest is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality Hyundai repair and maintenance. Red Mccombs Hyundai Northwest is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality Hyundai repair and maintenance.
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Thank you for the great review.
Thank you for the great review.
Thank you for the great review.
I was frustrated, so I decided to call the corporate office.I was able to reach Mr. Tim Cliver, the COO of McCombs dealerships, and explained the problems. We were able to get Melanie from the Bank on the phone, & she verified that the funds were there, but Mr. Cliver again stated their policy is to not release cars until funds have cleared. Having been in high-end retail for 50 years, I understand that.
So, I offered to pay by credit card, but McCombs won’t take more than $5,000 on cards. Melanie asked if they had deposited the check or could that day, and he said “no, but we will deposit it first thing in the morning.” We agreed that as soon as the check hit the Bank, Melanie would call Mr. Cliver and he would then release the car.
Tuesday morning, my niece received a call from the dealership saying she could pick up the car. She called me and we agreed to go there after she was done teaching, about 4:45. I assumed that they deposited the check & Melanie had spoken with Mr. Cliver, but when I looked online, my account had not been debited, so I asked her to call the dealership to confirm it had been released, which she did.
As we were preparing to go to the dealership, I received an email from J Sawahri at 4:43pm, asking if I had sent the wire. I wrote him back telling him about the conversation with Mr. Cliver, and told him we were on the way to pickup the car. As we were driving I had my niece call the dealership again (3rd time), and now she was told it wouldn’t be released, & another manager gets on the phone and says “do you want us to deposit the check or cancel the deal?”
Personally, I wanted to tell him where he could shove the check, but my niece really wants that car. Obviously, someone didn’t follow thru and this is reprehensible service. In today's automated world, you can deposit a check in five seconds on your phone, which I do all the time. This dealership must be stuck in yesterdays world, with an antiquated idea of car sales and customer interaction. Simply Horrible.
UPDATE: So, here we are three days later (12/5), and the Bank called the COO (Tim Cliver) to tell him the check had cleared, BUT, that apparently is not good enough. This dealership and its executives are NOT living up to their commercials, so don't you believe for a minute that they'll go "out of their way" to do anything for their customers."