According to our records, you arrived at our shop shortly after 1:00 p.m. on a Friday, driving a 2004 Chevrolet RV Cutaway, with a mini school bus chassis. This vehicle required a special lift, as a standard lift would not accommodate. You stated that you had just purchased the vehicle and your initial request was to reverse the transmission cooler lines to their original placement. As both of our mechanics were working on other vehicles at that time, I responded that, if you could drop off the vehicle with us, we could get it done the following Monday. You advised, at that time, that you were traveling and requested local hotel information. Not wanting you to have to spend the additional funds for a hotel and delay your trip, I asked one of our mechanics to speak with you in the parking lot to see what it would take to fix the issue. Our mechanic determined that there was a leak in one of the transmission cooler lines and he advised me that it would be a fairly easy fix. Accordingly, we returned to the office to determine the cost of the job. At that time, you advised that you would also like a fluid and filter change. Normal book labor times for this vehicle for one transmission cooler line repair is 0.8 hours. I charged you 0.4 hours. You did not incur any parts costs for the transmission cooler line repair. For the fluid and filter change, normal book labor time for this vehicle is 1.6 hours. The labor for the transmission fluid and filter change does not include the fluid and filter, only the labor for same. In any event, you were advised that the total cost for the requested services would be $443.07. This price included all labor, parts, shop supplies and applicable taxes. You agreed to the price and we performed the work you requested. For the next two hours, while the work was being performed, you never questioned the cost of the job. Once the work was complete, I processed the transaction and gave you your receipt. It was at that time that you stated that you had been overcharged. You questioned the itemized bill and I explained that the labor times do not include the materials necessary to complete the job. Prior to any work being initiated, you were given the cost to perform the job and you accepted the cost. I am sorry that you feel that you were overcharged, but we did not conceal any costs prior to starting the work and we, in fact, feel that we discounted the bill by only charging you 0.4 versus 0.8 hours for the transmission line cooler repair. I am not clear from where you claim that a transmission tune up is "normally $$198" as we do not post any prices in our shop because transmission tune up costs varies upon the type of vehicle, the type of transmission, etc. We provide every customer an estimate of charges prior to any work being performed and we do not initiate any repairs without the customer's approval of the estimate provided.
I apologize that you feel that you were treated unfairly. I appreciate your feedback and wish you all the best.
I would recommend them to anyone