Durbabiity (234 K miles of heavy usage) but major frame corrosion problem; a definite safety issue. We'll update on how Toyota handles the problem
We are including our review of an auto repair shop because it explains our usage and the state of the problem. We are, at present, reasonably confident that Toyota will provide a reasonable solution to frame corrosion problem, We've taken very good care of our truck and it has served over nearly 15 years of hard usage. The truck is in excellent fundamental shape (motor, body, running gear) except the frame disintegration. Were will definitely update this review with the outcome of our working with Toyota. We are confident of a favorable outcome and are basing our characteristic scores on a favorable outcome.
auto shop review:
We had towed in an older (2001) Toyota Tacoma pickup for repair/replacement of an alternator. The pickup is a work truck with many (235 K) miles of heavy load rough usage. EEA quickly replaced the alternator and, knowing the truck;s usage, checked and found several minor problems, and a major frame disintegration problem . EEA immediately contacted us, appraised us of the safety hazards involved, and, most importantly, advised of practical alternative ways to proceed. We're working with Toyota and are reasonably confident of a favorable outcome. The important pint of all this is that EEA directly prevented the frame collapse of our pickup, while driving with a heavy load and the human injuries that surely would have resulted. For that they've earned are sincere thanks and loyalty.