Thank you for the survey.
That is the best compliment we could get. Thank you so much for the 5 star survey.
Thank you for the great survey Mrs. Carter.
Thank you for the 5 star survey.
Thank you for the wonderful comments on the survey.
Thank you for the 5 star survey.
Mr. Ferguson
It is counter productive to keep filling out bad surveys about us. The 30k service you paid for is the same everyone else pays for. I had offered you to come by so we can sit and discuss cost of ownership.
Mr. or Mrs May
Your advisor will be glad to go over any questions you may have.
Thank you very much for the 5 star suvrey Mr. Cerniglia. We love helping our customers.
Could not ask for a better survey.
Thank you for the 5 star survey Mr. Willingham.
Thanks again for the wonderful survey Tim. I greatly appreciate you as our customer and thank you for all the positive comments you leave.
Joe Bajalia
That is great to hear. If you have any questions about your vehicle feel free to call us anytime. We are here for you.
Great .
Mr. and Mrs. Koziol
I apologize about the concerns with your vehicle. We have been working closely with Hyundai to fix the issue with your vehicle. We will get it fixed.
Thank you.