Rydell Automotive Group continues the tradition of a group which has been in business for over 50 years - helping their customers find the right car for them. They don't pay their salespeople on commission, so you won't feel pressured to pay a higher price, or buy a car you don't want. Rydell Automotive Group continues the tradition of a group which has been in business for over 50 years - helping their customers find the right car for them. They don't pay their salespeople on commission, so you won't feel pressured to pay a higher price, or buy a car you don't want.
WTF - Rydell is Rydell is Rydell and the fact that they do not put the customer first results in a dissatisfied customer. I will no longer use Rydell-Northridge for the truck and the Tahoe or any future Chevrolet purchases - which most definitely will not be from this dealership.