We take pride in providing the best automotive service around. We take pride in providing the best automotive service around.
Boy, we hate reading this. I'm not sure what happened that caused the confusion or change in how you view our service but we are sorry and want to earn your business again in the future. We reviewed your last visit here and it appears it was with your 2011 Toyota Venza. Toyota requires a full synthetic oil in your engine. We always use manufacturer suggested fluids unless the customer makes a request for something different and even then, we will discourage anything other than factory recommended fluids. Your engine also holds 7 qts of oil so the 2 extra quarts did add a little to the cost. We charge $64.95 for a full synthetic oil change and then an extra $8.50 for each quart above 5 . We routinely compare our prices with surrounding businesses and this is comparable. We also always include a free 40 pt comprehensive inspection and free tire rotation along with brake inspection every other oil change. These added values make our price very competitive and you get premium quality parts and service. We should have done a better job explaining all of this during your visit and for that, we apologize.
Thank you so much May Lou! It is a pleasure serving you and Jerry. We truly appreciate your business and look forward to serving you for years to come.
Thank you so much! Reviews like this make our day. Love the 5 stars. We look forward to seeing you next time your vehicles require service or maintenance.
One of our favorite people leaving me one of our favorite reviews!!! Thabnk you so much Candy for trusting us to take care of your Jeep Wrangler. See you again next time!
Thank you for the great review and the 5 stars! Anytime the Silverado needs attnetion please give us a call.
THANK YOU!!!! We love our customers that turn into friends. We look forward to seeing you guys next time the Honda Odyssey needs attention.
Thank you for the kind words and the 5 stars! We really do appreciate it.
This is exactly what we hope to hear from every customer. Thank you so much!!!!
Bill Wright