Great car, with a few flaws.
Overall, I love my Kona. It is not too big, not too small. Can carry a decent amount of cargo, especially with the seats down. It has the turbo engine and has sufficient acceleration when I need it. The styling is nice as well. The only complaints are that the smart-cruise control isn't activated on my 2018, when it was told to me that they would turn it on via an update. It has the hardware for it to work, but just wasn't ready software wise when it was rolled out. There is no reason at all that it shouldn't be working.
Asside from that, the only other complaints are that we purchased the Ultimate trim, and the interior door material seems hard and cheap and scuffs way too easily, and there should be some soft touch material near the top, but isn't. The last thing is that apparently, according to the dealership, we are limited to two keys programmed to the Kona at a time. This is insane. I share the Kona with my wife and another family member, and we are constantly battling over keys for the vehicle as we only have two. This should not be a limitation.